The Corporation of the Township of Huron-Kinloss

Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes

Meeting #:
Council Chambers
Members Present
  • Don Murray, Mayor
  • Jim Hanna, Deputy Mayor
  • Larry Allison, Councillor
  • Scott Gibson, Councillor
  • Ed McGugan, Councillor
  • Carl Sloetjes, Councillor
Members Absent
  • Shari Flett, Councillor
Staff Present
  • Jennifer White, Manager of Legislative Services/Clerk
  • Jodi MacArthur, Chief Administrative Officer
  • Jeff Bradley, Fire Chief
  • Mike Fair, Director of Community Services
  • John Yungblut, Director of Public Works

Mayor Murray called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Brad Whitelaw with Continuous Improvement Fund (CIF) provided a blue box transition presentation to Council regarding the shift of the Blue Box program to full producer responsibility, effective June 3, 2022. This means that producers will now manage the program's operations and finances. Residents will notice minimal changes, with the potential for more items to be accepted for collection.

The Township of Huron-Kinloss will transition to this system on December 31, 2025. The new regulations establish a common collection system across the province, integrating current municipal programs and expanding services for all communities. 

"Producers" are defined as brand holders, importers, or retailers of products with blue box materials, such as grocery and retail items, including fast food packaging. Producers may join a Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO) to help fulfill their regulatory obligations, allowing them to comply with the new recycling management requirements.  

Whitelaw reviewed eligible and non- eligible sources of collection under the new regulations. Non-eligible collection sources include Industrial/Commercial properties, institutions such as places of worship, municipal buildings and not-for-profit organizations, some campgrounds and commercial farms.  Those collection sites were not previously eligible under older regulations, and are still not eligible under new regulations.  Some properties may have mixed uses and eligible materials will still be collected, but in-eligible such as business materials would not be collected. The new regulations will additionally harmonize the list of designated materials across all municipalities. Huron-Kinloss residential customers should note no changes to pickup excepting that more items may be included in pickup as a result of this harmonization.  

Specific Service Standards must be met in the new regulations.  If residences previously had blue box pickup, they will continue to do so.   The Standards also include provisions to align requirements based on curbside collection schedules.  

Whitehall provided information on who would be considered as a Producer within the new regulations. Circular materials is the new Producer Responsible Organization (PRO), the lead organization representing producers, who will be leading the Township's transition to the new blue box program. 

Committee of the Whole inquired about the costs to the municipality.   Whitehall indicated that although municipalities would no longer pay the costs of implementing the blue box program, municipalities also could not recover any costs from the residential program either.

Whitehall confirmed that municipalities will not be responsible for collection and processing of residential materials.  Communities have not been required in the past to collect non-eligible sites as noted above, although many communities have included some or all.  The new regulations will not permit these non-eligible sources to be collected with residential materials.  

Committee expressed concerns that continuing to provide these services to non-eligible sources would not be cost effective or viable without residential sources.  Whitehall explained that some communities have been subsidizing the industrial and commercial sector in the past, and may continue to do so.  Any contract to collect non-eligible sources would be at the municipalities expense. 

Whitehall noted three options available to municipalities to deal with non-eligible sources:

1) no collection of materials 

2) setup program at recycling depot and initiate a contract to collect and process materials 

3) separate program collection with PRO

Committee expressed concern that this would unduly impact municipal landfill capacities, small business, libraries, etc.  

The Council appointee to the Bruce Area Solid Waste Recycling (BASWR) Board of Directors provided information from the current Blue Box Program provider.  BASWR has competed and was successful with the PRO to continue services in this area, which would result in a seamless residential sector transition.  However non-eligible items will still not be available for collection.  Staff are currently developing plans to address ineligible sources, and further information will be provided as it becomes available. 

Aaron Stauch, Director of Government Relations and Christine MacDonald, Chief Administrative Officer with the County of Bruce presented the 2022 Investment in Local Services Annual Report.

Community and Partnerships was identified as a priority in the County Strategic Plan. MacDonald noted that the Investment in Local Services Annual Report is a result of the work done to build partnerships with municipalities in the County.  

The County evaluated the 2022 Financial Information Returns (FIR) and service volume data from local and similarly sized municipaliteis to determine the benchmark the investment in local services Bruce County makes in each community.  Each of the eight local municipalities contribute a portion of their tax levies to the County. 

The Township has approximately 10% of the household count of the county, contributes about 11% of the levy and receives about 9% of the county investment.  This accounts for operating costs and not capital costs in the assessment.  

Stauch noted the areas in which the County provides services which includes, the Office of the CAO, Transportation and Environmental Services, Human Services, Long Term Care and Senior Services, Museum and Cultural Services, Public Libraries, Community Development, and Government Relations.  

Committee of the Whole expressed concern with how Human Services are delivered, noting a local situation where housing needs are not being met for an individual.   

County CAO MacDonald, while not commenting on specific situations, did note that under the Human Services areas, services are delivered to people who may have challenges to do what is required to live alone and meet the safety requirements of Acts related to tenancy.  MacDonald additionally reminded Council that not all services that may impact a person's housing status are delivered by the county.  Other factors, such as assistance with mental health challenges or addiction services are not provided by the County, although they do work closely with these other agencies.

Further, MacDonald noted that County policies are geared to supporting folks back to being able to live independently whenever possible.  Shelter services are available from the County, to those who are willing to accept these services.  The County advocates at the provincial level through the Government Relations area for Supportive Housing to be made available to County residents.  

Council requested the County speculate on why funding from grants seemed to be a minimal impact on the revenues.  County staff advised that their research seems to show that the concentration of successful grants are often centered around major urban areas where more people may be impacted.  This research is being used to advocate at the Province for additional funding opportunities to rural areas and to indicate the need for supports in the County communities.

Council inquired as to how the costs of long-term care are split among communities.  County staff have determined the most fair way to split this is to apportion out by the proportion of household to each municipality.  Municipalities have an obligation under provincial legislation to provide long-term care, and the County on behalf of the Township achieves this in a cost-effective way by consolidating care places in a limited number of areas. 

Committee inquired if building department fees are sufficient to supporting the service.  Staff noted that monies are collected in reserve to support times when fewer permits are issued.   Additionally, Staff commented that other communities are also reporting that they are experiencing the same drop in permits issued year over year.  Staff attributed this reduction to current interest rates, and a general reduction in disposable income spending of homeowners faced by economically challenging times.     

  • Resolution No.:10/07/2024-01
    Moved by:Ed McGugan
    Seconded by:Larry Allison

    THAT the Township of Huron-Kinloss Committee of the Whole receives for information Report BLD-2024-10-21, prepared by Michele Barr, Deputy Chief Building Official.

  • Resolution No.:10/07/2024-02
    Moved by:Carl Sloetjes
    Seconded by:Scott Gibson

    THAT the Township of Huron-Kinloss Committee of the Whole hereby approves Report BLD-2024-10-22 prepared by Michele Barr, Deputy CBO

    AND FURTHER authorizes Lot 541 and 540 Plan 145 to not be lots in a registered plan;

    AND FURTHER that the appropriate By-law be brought forward.

  • Resolution No.:10/07/2024-03
    Moved by:Ed McGugan
    Seconded by:Carl Sloetjes

    THAT the Township of Huron-Kinloss Committee of the Whole hereby receives for information Report BLE-2024-10-14 prepared by Heather Falconer, Municipal By-law Enforcement Officer.

  • Resolution No.:10/07/2024-04
    Moved by:Scott Gibson
    Seconded by:Carl Sloetjes

    THAT the Township of Huron-Kinloss Committee of the Whole hereby receives for information Report BLE-2024-10-13, as prepared by Heather Falconer, Municipal By-Law Enforcement Officer.

  • Resolution No.:10/07/2024-05
    Moved by:Larry Allison
    Seconded by:Scott Gibson

    THAT the Township of Huron-Kinloss Committee of the Whole hereby receives for information Report FIR-2024-10-25 prepared by Mel Moulton, Emergency Services/ Health & Safety Coordinator-CEMC.

  • Resolution No.:10/07/2024-06
    Moved by:Scott Gibson
    Seconded by:Ed McGugan

    THAT the Township of Huron-Kinloss Committee of the Whole hereby receives for information Report FIR-2024-10-26 prepared by Jeff Bradley, Fire Chief.


Committee of the Whole inquired about what might trigger a feasibility study.  The Fire Chief suggested that an increase in population may cause additional call volume, which depending on the increase could trigger a future review.  

The Fire Chief noted that many calls were being turned around, or cancelled, and an additional station would not reduce this.   Increasing Fire Prevention and Education will benefit the entire community, where other response times are equally as long.

Committee of the Whole clarified the requirement for response times.  The Office of the Fire Marshall uses the response times as only one of the criteria.  

The 16 minutes is specific to the lakeshore and is not a blend of all the response times but includes all types of calls, including those noted above respecting calls turned away.  

Staff confirmed the automatic aid agreement with Kincardine goes to the 10th concession.  

Committee inquired about what the current standard established by Council is.  The Fire Departments use the NFP standards which is 14 minutes-80% of the time.  To change this a recommendation would be required from Council.  Staff will bring back a further report which may include a recommendation to Council to change the standard response time or to indicate how response times will be met moving forward.  

Committee inquired if an annual report of response times could be brought forward. The Fire Chief noted that residents may not have an accurate understanding of the data respecting response times, and that education is a valuable part of correcting those misunderstandings. 

Committee inquired if having firefighters arrive independently without equipment or trucks to respond as a way to expedite response times.  The Fire Chief did not recommend this approach as it can put the firefighters into a risky or vulnerable situation. 

Committee discussed staffing requirements, which were not addressed in the report.  The Fire Chief noted that there are staffing issues in the existing Fire Halls, and that staffing an additional Hall could be very challenging.  Additional concerns were noted about having firefighters responding without equipment or command structure in place to support them. 

  • Resolution No.:10/07/2024-07
    Moved by:Carl Sloetjes
    Seconded by:Jim Hanna

    THAT the Township of Huron-Kinloss Committee of the Whole hereby receives for information Report FIR-2024-10-27 prepared by Jeff Bradley, Fire Chief;

    AND FURTHER THAT the Infrastructure Needs Assessment indicated for 2025 in the Township’s Integrated Master Plan be considered complete and that response times, and call volumes be monitored to determine the need and timing for completion of a future feasibility study for a lakeshore area fire hall;

    AND FURTHER THAT Staff be directed investigate and implement alternative mitigation measures as outlined in report FIR-2024-10-27 as budget permits.


Committee inquired as to the scheduled timing of some drainage activities.  Committee additionally inquired as to whether Staff had sufficient capacity to complete all the required works.  Staff recognized that there is a large volume of work for the Drainage Superintendent as the current shared services agreement recognizes approximately two days of services per work week within the Township of Huron-Kinloss.  Internal procedures have been updated to assist residents in understanding the levels of service established and to provide an expectation for when they may receive a response to inquiries.   As indicated in the report, Staff noted that at times, such as through the month of September, the Drainage Superintendent may be required to provide more focus to one municipality during times of need or urgent drainage related matters, but that the municipalities cooperate to mitigate the impacts and reestablish a balance.   

  • Resolution No.:10/07/2024-08
    Moved by:Ed McGugan
    Seconded by:Jim Hanna

    That the Township of Huron-Kinloss Committee of the Whole hereby receives for information Report DRAIN-2024-10-04 prepared by Ken McCallum, Drainage Superintendent.


Staff confirmed for Committee of the Whole that dogs are permitted on the trails provided they are leashed as required by Township by-laws. 

Responding to Committee inquiry staff noted that details regarding the re-opening of the renovated Ripley Medical Centre and the use of the building will be forthcoming.  These updates are expected in mid-November. 

  • Resolution No.:10/07/2024-09
    Moved by:Ed McGugan
    Seconded by:Carl Sloetjes

    THAT the Township of Huron-Kinloss Committee of the Whole hereby receives for information Report CS-2024-10-39 prepared by Mike Fair, Director of Community Services.

  • Resolution No.:10/07/2024-10
    Moved by:Scott Gibson
    Seconded by:Carl Sloetjes

    THAT the Township of Huron-Kinloss Committee of the Whole hereby receives for information Report CS-2024-10-40 prepared by Mike Fair, Director of Community Services.


Committee of the Whole discussed the ice plant setup and project. Staff noted that ice plant changes to costings were attributed to changes in original estimates previously obtained by staff and includes additional works that had been planned for later, but could be included in the grant project.  

Staff provided a verbal update that an advisor from Stream 1 confirmed that more than one facility could be included, as long as it is clearly defined.  Staff are additionally recommending including the Lucknow Community Centre replacement of the roof in the grant. 

  • Resolution No.:10/07/2024-11
    Moved by:Carl Sloetjes
    Seconded by:Jim Hanna

    THAT the Township of Huron-Kinloss Committee of the Whole hereby approves Report CS2024-10-41 prepared by Mike Fair, Director of Community Services;

    AND FURTHER authorizes staff to submit a grant application to the Community Sport and Recreation Infrastructure Fund stream 1 for the Ripley-Huron Community Centre Refurbishment Project;

    AND FURTHER that Staff be authorized to include new roofing for the Lucknow Community Centre as part of the grant application if applicable. 

  • Resolution No.:10/07/2024-12
    Moved by:Ed McGugan
    Seconded by:Jim Hanna

    THAT the Township of Huron-Kinloss Committee of the Whole hereby receives for information Report CS-2024-10-43 prepared by Matt McClinchey, Parks, and Facilities Supervisor.


Members noted that the 4th concession appears to be experiencing wear due to horse and carriage travel.  Staff provided information on a new horseshoe that may be available to this community to assist.  Outreach to the community is anticipated.  Staff also noted that the safety of people and horses would need to be considered as well.  

  • Resolution No.:10/07/2024-13
    Moved by:Larry Allison
    Seconded by:Scott Gibson

    THAT the Township of Huron-Kinloss Committee of the Whole hereby receives for information Report PW-2024-10-40 prepared by John Yungblut, Director of Public Works.

  • Resolution No.:10/07/2024-14
    Moved by:Jim Hanna
    Seconded by:Larry Allison

    THAT the Township of Huron-Kinloss Committee of the Whole hereby receives for information Report PW2024-10-42 prepared by John Yungblut, Director of Public Works.

  • Resolution No.:10/07/2024-15
    Moved by:Carl Sloetjes
    Seconded by:Scott Gibson

    THAT the Township of Huron-Kinloss Committee of the Whole hereby receives for information Report CAO2024-10-31 prepared by Leanne Scott, Human Resources Generalist.

  • Resolution No.:10/07/2024-16
    Moved by:Shari Flett
    Seconded by:Jim Hanna

    THAT the Township of Huron-Kinloss Committee of the Whole hereby receive Report 2024-10-38 prepared by Jennifer White, Manager of Legislative Services/Clerk;

    AND FURTHER THAT Staff be directed to proceed with registering for the E-File portal to submit appeals to the Ontario Land Tribunal;

    AND FURTHER THAT the Clerk be authorized as the Level-1 Administrator for the E-file portal.

  • Resolution No.:10/07/2024-17
    Moved by:Jim Hanna
    Seconded by:Scott Gibson

    THAT the Township of Huron-Kinloss Committee of the Whole hereby receives for information Report CLK-2024-10-39 as prepared by Jennifer White, Clerk;

    AND FURTHER confirms there are no concerns with the Point Clark Boat Club request for dredging of the Point Clark Harbour basin, channel and mouth of the harbour during 2025 and 2026;

    AND FURTHER THAT the Clerk be directed to sign all necessary documentation to support this request.

  • Resolution No.:10/07/2024-18
    Moved by:Jim Hanna
    Seconded by:Larry Allison

    THAT the Township of Huron-Kinloss Committee of the Whole hereby receives for information Report CLK-2024-10-40 prepared by Kelly Lush, Deputy Clerk;

    AND FURTHER THAT the Committee of the Whole support the following resolutions: b) Tillsonburg Cellular Coverage, c) City of Toronto Support for Family Physicians and d) Waterloo Humanitarian Crisis; 

    AND FURTHER direct Staff to distribute as they see fit.

  • Resolution No.:10/07/2024-19
    Moved by:Ed McGugan
    Seconded by:Scott Gibson

    THAT the Township of Huron-Kinloss Committee of the Whole hereby receives for information Report CLK-2024-10-41 prepared by Kelly Lush, Deputy Clerk.


Committee of the Whole noted their concern and support for Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority (SVCA) staff, as lightning had impacted the SVCA facility causing extensive damage. 

  • Resolution No.:10/07/2024-20
    Moved by:Carl Sloetjes
    Seconded by:Ed McGugan

    THAT the Township of Huron-Kinloss Committee of the Whole hereby receives for information all items listed in Section 5.0.


Members provided a verbal update on a meeting attended regarding the Forum on Deep Geologic Repository in South Bruce.     

  • Resolution No.:10/07/2024-21
    Moved by:Larry Allison
    Seconded by:Ed McGugan

    THAT Committee of the Whole move into closed meeting at 8:50 p.m. for the purpose of considering:

    1) a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board; (Ripley Industrial Park),

    2) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees; (recruitment update),

    pursuant to Section 239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended;

    AND FURTHER THAT Committee of the Whole return to regular open meeting upon completion.


Committee of the Whole arose from closed meeting at 9:13 p.m

The Mayor reported that a closed meeting had been held and direction was provided to staff on the proposed on the proposed land sale.  Staff were directed to bring forward a by-law to appoint Brett Pollock as the Chief Building Official for the Township. 

  • Resolution No.:10/07/2024-22
    Moved by:Carl Sloetjes
    Seconded by:Jim Hanna

    THAT the Township of Huron-Kinloss Committee of the Whole hereby adjourn at 9:14 p.m. 

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