The Corporation of the Township of Huron-Kinloss

Council Meeting Minutes

Meeting #:
Council Chambers
Members Present
  • Don Murray, Mayor
  • Jim Hanna, Deputy Mayor
  • Larry Allison, Councillor
  • Shari Flett, Councillor
  • Scott Gibson, Councillor
  • Ed McGugan, Councillor
  • Carl Sloetjes, Councillor
Staff Present
  • Jennifer White, Manager of Legislative Services/Clerk
  • Mary Rose Walden, Chief Administrative Officer

Mayor Murray called the meeting to order at 7:18 p.m.

  • Resolution No.:949
    Moved by:Larry Allison
    Seconded by:Shari Flett

    THAT the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meetings of November 7, 2022 and December 5, 2022 and the Council meetings of October 17, 2022, November 7, 2022, November 15, 2022 and November 29, 2022 (Special) be adopted as presented.  


The purpose of the application is to rezone a portion of the property to allow for a secondary dwelling. If approved, the application would facilitate the new construction of an additional dwelling. A holding provision requiring an Archaeological Assessment for the lands containing high archaeological potential is proposed.

Benito Russo, Planner Bruce County explained the report and recommendation. Any comments received from Agencies and the Public received by the time of writing the report are in the written report.

The Planner addressed concerns contained within a late submission received by email after the report preparation.  The Planner indicated that the application is for a retirement home and not an Airbnb, that should future use be an Airbnb, this would be a Township enforcement issue.  

Presentations from the Applicant

The applicant indicated that it is their intention to retire on the farm and be close to the next generation of farmers. 

Presentations from the Public

Darryl Hodgins, 44 Lakestreet addressed Council with questions regarding possible zoning by-law infractions.  This was addressed to Staff for followup.  A question regarding how septic system requirements would be addressed was also expressed.  County Planning Staff indicated that septic systems are dealt with at the building permit stage of the development, and not as part of this application process. 

Questions and Clarifications from Council

Council members noted support for multi generational farming families.  Council inquired as to processes, and whether this application is being considered tonight on the information at hand.  County Staff indicated that the zoning by-law enforcement is considered a separate issue, and Council should consider the application before them.  

  • Resolution No.:950
    Moved by:Scott Gibson
    Seconded by:Jim Hanna

    THAT the Township of Huron-Kinloss Council approve the planning application Z-2022-107 (Morrison) to rezone a portion of the property to permit a secondary dwelling;

    AND FURTHER THAT the Staff bring forward the appropriate by-law at the December 19, 2022 meeting of Council. 



  • Resolution No.:951
    Moved by:Ed McGugan
    Seconded by:Carl Sloetjes

    THAT the "Council and Committee Appointment (2022-2026) By-law" By-law be deemed to be read a first, second, third time and finally passed and numbered as By-law No. 185. 

  • Resolution No.:952
    Moved by:Shari Flett
    Seconded by:Scott Gibson

    THAT the "Repeal CBO Appointment" By-law be deemed to be read a first, second, third time and finally passed and numbered as By-law No. 186.

  • Resolution No.:953
    Moved by:Jim Hanna
    Seconded by:Ed McGugan

    THAT the "Appoint Zoning Administrator (2022) By-law" be deemed to be read a first, second, third time and finally passed and numbered as By-law No.187.



  • Resolution No.:954
    Moved by:Carl Sloetjes
    Seconded by:Larry Allison

    THAT the Township of Huron-Kinloss Council approve the 2023 Schedule of Regular meetings as presented in Report CLK-2022-12-101, per Section 2.6 of the Township's Procedure By-law.


Staff clarified that the technology and the procedure by-law currently permits presentations from consultants, but is not suitable for an interactive Council experience.  

  • Resolution No.:955
    Moved by:Carl Sloetjes
    Seconded by:Jim Hanna

    THAT the Township of Huron-Kinloss Council direct Staff to prepare a report with respect to the financial, technical and other requirements to permit Hybrid (electronic and in-person) participation at Council meetings.


The Clerk left the meeting at 7:43 p.m. and did not participate in the Closed agenda.  

  • Resolution No.:956
    Moved by:Larry Allison
    Seconded by:Shari Flett

    THAT Council move into closed meeting at 7:43 p.m. for the purpose of considering personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees (Human Resources Matter), pursuant to Section 239(2) of the Municiapl Act, 2001, as amended;

    AND FURTHER THAT Council return to regular open meeting upon completion.


The Township of Huron-Kinloss held a closed session for the purposes of considering Human Resources Matters. Staff were provided direction on these matters.  The Clerk returned to the Meeting at 8:14 p.m.

  • Resolution No.:957
    Moved by:Shari Flett
    Seconded by:Scott Gibson

    THAT Mayor Murray reported a closed meeting was held and direction was given to Staff regarding a Human Resources matter. 

  • Resolution No.:958
    Moved by:Larry Allison
    Seconded by:Shari Flett

    THAT the "Confirmatory December (1)" By-law be deemed to be read a first, second, third time and finally passed and numbered as By-law No. 188.

  • Resolution No.:959
    Moved by:Jim Hanna
    Seconded by:Ed McGugan

    THAT the Township of Huron-Kinloss Council hereby adjourn at 8:16 p.m.
