Councillor Sloetjes joined the meeting at 7:01, and was present for the consideration of this item.
The purpose of the application is to of this application is a Zoning By-law Amendment.
If approved, the application would facilitate the creation of a new residential lot.
The Planner, Amy Rogers, explained the report and recommendation.
Presentations from the Applicant
The applicant (Steve Michie) was present for questions but did not provide comment on the application.
Presentations from the Public
Diane Metcalfe of10 Whitechurch St addressed Council. Their property backs onto the agricultural lands of the subject property.
Metcalfe inquired about the availability for future development of the agricultural lands. The County Planner explained that the lands are not currently within the hamlet boundary area. It would require a settlement expansion in Whitechurch for future development. This would necessitate a separate planning process to proceed.
Metcalfe also questioned whether agricultural property must be used for agricultural uses, noting that in the past the area had been left to weed. The Applicant addressed Council, to indicate that this property had only recently been purchased by them, and that the area had been rented for livestock since they purchased the property.
Valerie Pennington of 22 Whitechurch street addressed Council with concerns about the municipal drain which exists on the property. The Clerk provided information on how municipal drains are impacted by the consent process, including the reapportionment of assessments as necessary, and requested that concerned residents contact the office to report any current drainage issues for resolution.
Pennington also had concerns about weeds on the property. The applicant expressed appreciation for these concerns, and interest in maintaining the property. The Mayor noted that there is a process for reporting use of a property contrary to the zoning by-law, and to request an investigation regarding the Township's Clean and Clear Yards By-law.
Questions and Clarifications from Council
Council confirmed the existing and proposed access to the agricultural lands.
Council inquired about the smaller frontage in other areas within Whitechurch, and Rogers confirmed that these smaller lots are likely to be legacy lots created before current standards.
The County has no plans to add this agricultural property to the settlement area, however the Township Council could decide to recommend the settlement area be expanded. Council confirmed that the applicant could request this addition and a further planning process would need to be initiated, with neighbors being notified as legislated.
Council inquired about the requirement to decommission the well, and connect to municipal services. The Planner, explained that where municipal services are available, the preference is to connect to those services.