The purpose of these applications is for a local Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-Law Amendment.
If approved, these applications would expand the current permitted uses for the existing special policy area and special zones. The subject lands are proposed to be used for special events including camping, with a maximum of four (4) events to be held annually.
The Planner Monica Walker Bolton explained the report and recommendation. Any comments received from Agencies and the Public received by the time of writing the report are in the written report.
Presentations from the Applicant
On behalf of the Lucknow Kinsmen, Paul Zinn clarified that the Summerfest should be stricken from the application and the fourth event to be included would be the Lucknow Reunion.
Lyndon Johnson co-chair of Dunganon Superpull, addressed Council regarding the opportunity for it to be a community fundraiser for various organizations. Mr. Johnson provided an update on several items including the Kinsmen desire to relocate the maple trees, rather than remove them. As well, they indicated that the demolition derby is moving north of the railway tracks in the latest proposal for the event site plan.
The Kinsmen expressed an interest to address concerns regarding traffic at the end of the event, and spill/environmental concerns with the tractor pull and derby.
Rob Searson, other co-chair of the Pull will be the contact and coordinating with neighbors to continue addressing concerns that may arise.
Presentations from the Public
Heather, Washington Street resident expressed concerns about the traffic impacts and difficulties entering and leaving their own property during events. Heather also indicated there were sanitation concerns from the north side campers during past events.
Susan Irwin, Washington Street resident is concerned about the security of their property during events, access to their property and the impact to enjoying their property during events. Irwin inquired about the impact of a Tractor Pull on the Township's climate action plan.
Kendra Clark addressed Council on behalf of her mother, a neighboring resident and requested from the Kinsmen that the addressing on the property be updated to reflect correct addressing. Clark indicated there was a concern previous, which had been addressed with moving the location of the Derby within the new siteplan.
Rick McMurray, organizer Music in the Fields, offered to create a security plan to address neighbors concerns with property safety and security.
Cliff Mann, addressed Council and indicated that they are not a direct neighbor, as there is a creek between the properties. Mann acknowledged the good of the event for the community, but acknowledged that it isn't ideal for neighbors to this property. Mann raised concerns that changes in the club could impact the event plans and therefore the impact to neighbors. They requested information on how the Township could ensure continuity in process and that current commitments were maintained.
Questions and Clarifications from Council
Council acknowledged the impact to neighbors and the benefit to the Community.
Council inquired about the amount of camping which infringed on the hazard area.
Council inquired about what tools are available to ensure that there are controls in place to address comments from neighbors.
County staff indicated that the Official Plan and Zoning Amendments do not have these mechanisms, and the application would need to be deferred by Council until they were satisfied that the commitments raised were satisfied. They also provided information on other mechanisms or approval steps which could be utilized to achieve the same purpose. Staff confirmed that once Council passed these amendments, there is a commitment or intent for events to go forward on the property, however there are areas to allow control at the Staff level.
Council inquiry regarding the 4th event permitted in the zoning by-law and whether it should be removed with the expression that the Summerfest should not be included. The Kinsmen indicated that maintaining inclusion of the fourth event provides flexibility to add additional community events as requested without a new application. The current By-law amendment proposal is for four events, the Kinsmen indicated those events would be MITF, Kiting Event, Superpull, annually and the Lucknow Reunion every decade.