Council received a delegation regarding a proposed indoor turf facility at Kin-Bruce Park. The proposal, presented by a private proponent, Brandon Kushnir or Bluewater Sports Management outlines a public-private partnership to construct a state-of-the-art sports dome on a portion of the 5.3-acre park property at 920 Lake Range Drive. The proposed facility would feature two soccer fields (dual-lined for baseball), pickleball courts, batting cages, and upgraded park amenities.
The proponent’s business case highlighted regional demand for such a facility, with demonstrated commitments from local sports organizations for over 90% of available prime-time usage from October to May. The $6 million project would include a 77,000-square-foot sports dome and a 4,000-square-foot brick reception building. It aims to serve a catchment population within 45 minutes of Huron-Kinloss, addressing a current lack of comparable facilities in the region.
The proposal emphasizes financial sustainability, with projected net-positive operating revenues at 60% utilization. Benefits to the Township noted in the proposal include increased lease revenue, property tax generation, and upgraded park amenities, all at no cost to the Township.
Kushnir is requesting a long-term lease from the Township for the use of KinBruce Park. Staff noted that a 20 year lease is the maximum length permitted without the need to declare the lands surplus to municipal needs, and inquired about whether the proponent had considered purchasing lands for the project. Kushnir suggested a longer term lease would be preferable. Kushnir noted that they aren't interested in purchasing outright initially but would consider a lease to own situation.
Committee of the Whole inquired about legal costs, and Kushnir acknowledged that the proponent would be amenable to paying required legal costs.
Committee noted support for the overall concept, some members noted concern for the longevity of the dome, due to high-winds and snow load.
Committee of the Whole inquired about the company Bluewater Sports Management and the success of other similar projects completed by the company. Kushnir acknowledged that this is a newly formed business enterprise, but that he has collaborated on similar projects in the past with respect to dome construction for other types of facilities.
Committee inquired about whether electrical supply would be sufficient in the proposed area. Services are still being investigated by Bluewater Sports Management.
Committee inquired about the potential liability to the Township for this type of facility to be on municipal lands, but not municipally operated. Kushnir suggested that there would be no liability to the Township, but members noted that as the property owner, the Township would still see liability. Staff explained that this would be covered for general liability in terms of accidents, but that facilities and structures are insured separately and liability would be transferred as eligible and appropriate. This would be investigated as part of due diligence when developing any agreement.
Committee inquired about whether the location could be moved to in-land or on private lands. Kushnir expressed concerns for operation viability due to winter road closure impacts, but would be amenable to considering other areas.
The proponent expressed they are amenable to having a shared parking lot area with the Township to allow for parking for beach activities.
When questioned about the expected project timelines, the proponent noted that grants are available from the Province of Ontario currently to private businesses to construct sports facilities, which are being allocated on a first come first serve basis. The application for these grants can't be submitted until a lease or land is secured for the facility. While Kushnir noted that Bluewater Sports Management could finance this facility without the grant, it is their desire to make application as soon as possible.