The Corporation of the Township of Huron-Kinloss
Council Agenda

Council Chambers
Members Present
  • Don Murray, Mayor
  • Jim Hanna, Deputy Mayor
  • Larry Allison, Councillor
  • Shari Flett, Councillor
  • Scott Gibson, Councillor
  • Ed McGugan, Councillor
  • Carl Sloetjes, Councillor
  • Coreena Smith, Bruce County Planner
  • Jennifer White, Manager of Legislative Services/Clerk
  • Mary Rose Walden, Chief Administrative Officer
  • Michele Barr, Chief Building Official
  • Kelly Lush, Deputy Clerk

The Public Planning Meeting of the Council of The Corporation of the Township of Huron-Kinloss will be called to Order at 2:00 p.m. on Monday,  January 16, 2022 in the Council Chambers.

The purpose of this Application is for the severance of approximately +/- 0.65 hectares of land for a lot enlargement. The lands to be merged are proposed to be rezoned AG1-25.20 to match the zoning of the recipient property.
The retained lands will be rezoned AG1-H1 in areas of high archaeological potential. If approved, this will facilitate an existing driveway to be added to the Agricultural-Commercial lands that it currently serves. The related Consent file is B-2022-053..

If approved, the application would facilitate the severed lands to be rezoned to General Agricultural Special (AG1-25.20) matching the existing zoning of the recipient agricultural-commercial property. The remnant agricultural lands are also proposed to be rezoned General Agriculture (AG1) to General Agricultural Holding (AG1-H1), requiring an Archaeological Assessment for the lands containing high archaeological potential.

The Planner will explain the report and recommendation. Any comments received from Agencies and the Public received by the time of writing the report are in the written report.

Presentations from the Applicant

The applicant may provide comment on the application.

Presentations from the Public

Any person or public body that has comments on the application will be heard.

Questions and Clarifications from Council

The Members of Council may question and make clarification on the application. 

The purpose of the application is for a consent for a lot addition.

If approved, the application will facilitate the severance of forested lands from the subject property to merge with an abutting property so the forest can be preserved if the subject property is sold to a new owner. A Zoning By-Law amendment is also proposed to zone the severed lands as Environmental Protection (EP) and remove EP zoning from the retained lands. The related consent file is B-2022-115.

The Planner will explain the report and recommendation. Any comments received from Agencies and the Public received by the time of writing the report are in the written report.

Presentations from the Applicant

The applicant may provide comment on the application.

Presentations from the Public

Any person or public body that has comments on the application will be heard.

Questions and Clarifications from Council

The Members of Council may question and make clarification on the application. 

The purpose of this application is for a Local Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment.

If approved, the application will facilitate the development of two townhouse buildings consisting of fourteen (14) total dwelling units.

The proposed Local Official Plan Amendment changes the designation on a portion of the property from ‘Open Space’ to ‘Residential’ to facilitate the construction of one of the townhouse buildings. A portion of this area is affected by flood hazard (flood fringe) and this is reflected in the proposed residential designation.

The zoning by-law amendment proposes to rezone the subject lands from "Residential One (R1)", "Residential Three (R3)", and "Open Space (OS)" to a site-specific, special regulation "Residential Three (R3-25-172 and R3-25-172(f))" zone. Special provisions include:
•A parking rate of 1.9 spaces per unit; whereas 2.0 spaces per unit is permitted;
•A lot frontage of 12.1 m; whereas 15 m is permitted;
•An interior side yard setback of 0.5 m; whereas 2.5 m is permitted; and,
•A rear yard setback of 4.5m; whereas 7.5m is permitted.

The Planner will explain the report and recommendation. Any comments received from Agencies and the Public received by the time of writing the report are in the written report.

Presentations from the Applicant

The applicant may provide comment on the application.

Presentations from the Public

Any person or public body that has comments on the application will be heard.

Questions and Clarifications from Council

The Members of Council may question and make clarification on the application. 


The purpose of these applications is for a local Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-Law Amendment.

If approved, these applications would expand the current permitted uses for the existing special policy area and special zones. The subject lands are proposed to be used for special events including camping, with a maximum of four (4) events to be held annually.

The Planner will explain the report and recommendation. Any comments received from Agencies and the Public received by the time of writing the report are in the written report.

Presentations from the Applicant

The applicant may provide comment on the application.

Presentations from the Public

Any person or public body that has comments on the application will be heard.

Questions and Clarifications from Council

The Members of Council may question and make clarification on the application. 

The purpose of the application is for a consent for a severance.  If approved, the application will facilitate the recreation of two lots which have merged. A zoning by-law amendment is required to recognize the reduced lot areas of the lots of 25.3 hectares and 24 hectares.

The Planner will explain the report and recommendation. Any comments received from Agencies and the Public received by the time of writing the report are in the written report.

Presentations from the Applicant

The applicant may provide comment on the application.

Presentations from the Public

Any person or public body that has comments on the application will be heard.

Questions and Clarifications from Council

The Members of Council may question and make clarification on the application. 

Recommended By-laws from planning applications will be considered at a February meeting of Council. 

THAT the "Confirmatory January 2023" By-law be deemed to be read a first, second, third time and finally passed and numbered as By-law No. 2023-08.

  • THAT the "Confirmatory January 2023" By-law be deemed to be read a first, second, third time and finally passed and numbered as By-law No.    . 

Document Accessibility

The Township of Huron-Kinloss is committed to providing information in the format that meets your needs. We have made every attempt to make documents for this meeting accessible but there may still be difficulty in recognizing all of the information. Please contact us if you require assistance and we will make every attempt to provide this information in an alternative format.

Please note that third party documents received and found within this document will not be converted to an accessible format by the Township of Huron-Kinloss. However, upon request, we will attempt to obtain these documents in an appropriate accessible format from the third party.

For assistance or to make a request please call 519-395-3735 or email

  • THAT the Township of Huron-Kinloss Council hereby adjourn at XX:XX.