The purpose of this application is for a Local Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment.
If approved, the application will facilitate the development of two townhouse buildings consisting of fourteen (14) total dwelling units.
The proposed Local Official Plan Amendment changes the designation on a portion of the property from ‘Open Space’ to ‘Residential’ to facilitate the construction of one of the townhouse buildings. A portion of this area is affected by flood hazard (flood fringe) and this is reflected in the proposed residential designation.
The zoning by-law amendment proposes to rezone the subject lands from "Residential One (R1)", "Residential Three (R3)", and "Open Space (OS)" to a site-specific, special regulation "Residential Three (R3-25-172 and R3-25-172(f))" zone. Special provisions include:
•A parking rate of 1.9 spaces per unit; whereas 2.0 spaces per unit is permitted;
•A lot frontage of 12.1 m; whereas 15 m is permitted;
•An interior side yard setback of 0.5 m; whereas 2.5 m is permitted; and,
•A rear yard setback of 4.5m; whereas 7.5m is permitted.
The Planner will explain the report and recommendation. Any comments received from Agencies and the Public received by the time of writing the report are in the written report.
Presentations from the Applicant
The applicant may provide comment on the application.
Presentations from the Public
Any person or public body that has comments on the application will be heard.
Questions and Clarifications from Council
The Members of Council may question and make clarification on the application.