Lisa Courtney and Andrew Garland of B.M. Ross and Associates Limited presented an update on the Water and Wastewater Serving Master Plan.
Council inquired about lakeshore use of private septic systems as servicing options.
The Provincial Policy Statement does not permit or prefer partial services as are the current situation in the lakeshore area. The Consultants spoke at length about the options for this settlement area.
Council inquired whether forecasts take into account whether the NWMO project proceeds or not. The high forecast included in the report does incorporate those expected growth numbers.
Council inquired about the Water Storage capacity and the difference between total storage and recommended storage on the shoreline. The Storage locations for Ripley and Lucknow standpipes are relatively new and based on current forecasts, and the lakeshore is at a different part of that standpoints lifecycle.
Council inquired about the difference and benefits between mechanical and lagoon based treatment facilities. Council also inquired about the elevation for water storage facilities.
Council inquired about the timing suggestion for an Environmental Assessment for a new storage water supply for the Lakeshore area and the process for approval authorities for development outside of settlement areas.