The Corporation of the Township of Huron-Kinloss

Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes

Meeting #:
Council Chambers
Members Present
  • Don Murray, Mayor
  • Jim Hanna, Deputy Mayor
  • Larry Allison, Councillor
  • Shari Flett, Councillor
  • Scott Gibson, Councillor
  • Ed McGugan, Councillor
Members Absent
  • Carl Sloetjes, Councillor
  • Bill Klingenberg, Manager of Building and Planning
Staff Present
  • Jennifer White, Manager of Legislative Services/Clerk
  • Mary Rose Walden, Chief Administrative Officer
  • Mike Fair, Director of Community Services
  • Jodi MacArthur, Treasurer
  • John Yungblut, Director of Public Works
  • Christine Heinisch, Deputy Treasurer

Mayor Murray called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Lisa Courtney of B.M. Ross and Associates Limited provided Council with a presentation on Development Charges and the Septic Inspection Program.

Development Charges

Committee of the Whole questioned the 80% charge in the first year; if development charges did not increase, could the Township be collecting less than it currently does for development charges.  Courtney confirmed that if the report indicated that development charges were expected to be the same, that with the new phased in implementation the Township would collect less.    

Courtney confirmed the second additional residential unit is currently exempt from development charges and the new Development Charges By-law must also include the third ADU.

Septic Inspection Program

Committee of the Whole inquired about the 30% of systems whose age is not identified.  Courtney confirmed these are also inspected, but there is no permit data to confirm the exact age of the systems.  It is expected they were installed before permits were being issued for septic tank installations.  

  • Resolution No.:03/04/2024COW - 01
    Moved by:Shari Flett
    Seconded by:Scott Gibson

    THAT the Township of Huron-Kinloss Committee of the Whole hereby receives for information Report TR-2024-03-14 prepared by Jodi MacArthur, Treasurer and;

    FURTHER accept the 2024 septic inspection program budget as presented.

  • Resolution No.:03/04/2024COW - 02
    Moved by:Ed McGugan
    Seconded by:Jim Hanna

    THAT the Township of Huron-Kinloss Committee of the Whole receives for information, Report BLDG-2024-03-8, as prepared by Bill Klingenberg, Manager of Building and Planning, CBO.


Committee of the Whole discussed the requirements of the Kennel Code regarding socialization and expressed concern that the code is specific in it's requirements.  Committee expressed concern that Staff could be put in a difficult situation if they had to make a judgement based decision on applying the code.  

Staff noted that they use an objectives based approach to meet the principles of the code of practice.   Committee suggested this may be an issue to be included in the delegations to Ministers and could be discussed further with Report 4.11.c on the agenda.

  • Resolution No.:03/04/2024COW - 03
    Moved by:Jim Hanna
    Seconded by:Larry Allison

    THAT the Township of Huron Kinloss Committee of the Whole hereby receives for information Report BLDG-2024-03-9 prepared by Bill Klingenberg, Manager of Building and Planning.


Council inquired about the regulations for taxi services.  Staff confirmed that at this time, there are no current regulations or plans to pursue regulations on the provision of taxi services.    The South Bruce Detachment Police Board when formed, may consider this and provide a recommendation to Council for consideration at a future date, as other municipalities within the detachment board do regulate taxi services.  

  • Resolution No.:03/04/2024COW - 04
    Moved by:Scott Gibson
    Seconded by:Ed McGugan

    THAT the Township of Huron-Kinloss Committee of the Whole hereby receives for information Report BLE-2024-03-4, as prepared by Heather Falconer, By-Law Enforcement Officer.

  • Resolution No.:03/04/2024COW - 05
    Moved by:Shari Flett
    Seconded by:Jim Hanna

    THAT the Township of Huron-Kinloss Committee of the Whole hereby receives for information Report FIRE-2024-03-7 prepared by Mel Moulton, Emergency Services/ Health & Safety Coordinator-CEMC.

  • Resolution No.:03/04/2024COW - 06
    Moved by:Larry Allison
    Seconded by:Shari Flett

    THAT the Township of Huron-Kinloss Committee of the Whole hereby receives for information Report FIRE-2024-03-8 prepared by Mel Moulton, Emergency Services/ Health & Safety Coordinator- CEMC.


Committee of the Whole inquired about the increase from 200 to 500 attendees.  Staff noted that most of the current special event applications received were for events with attendance over 500 persons.  These larger events are also where safety and security issues were more likely to be identified, and the smaller events typically showed less risk factors.  

Committee inquired about whether this would affect the number of complaints received by By-law enforcement with respect to events like house parties.  Staff noted that organizers of house parties, rarely notified the municipality of their event, and therefore permits had not been issued.  The concerns noted from such events (such as noise violations, or disturbing the peace) were generally dealt with through enforcement by police or by-law enforcement.  Staff confirmed that supporting information is expected to be provided to event organizers with expected attendance of less than 500.  This will assist organizers of smaller events in completing required Township permissions, permits, etc and provide guidance on safety related matters.  

  • Resolution No.:03/04/2024COW - 07
    Moved by:Ed McGugan
    Seconded by:Larry Allison

    THAT the Township of Huron-Kinloss Committee of the Whole hereby receives for information, Report FIRE-2024-03-09, prepared by Mel Moulton Emergency Services/ Health & Safety Coordinator- CEMC;

    AND FURTHER approves the changes to the Special Event By-law and authorizes the appropriate By-laws to be brought forward.

  • Resolution No.:03/04/2024COW - 07
    Moved by:Jim Hanna
    Seconded by:Larry Allison

    THAT the Township of Huron-Kinloss Committee of the Whole hereby receives for information Report DRAIN-2024-03-2 prepared by Jennifer White, Manager of Legislative Services;

    AND FURTHER THAT Staff bring forward a by-law to award the construction of drainage works to JC Millwrights Inc. in the amount of $178,773.74 exclusive of applicable taxes.

  • Resolution No.:03/04/2024COW - 08
    Moved by:Shari Flett
    Seconded by:Scott Gibson

    THAT the Township of Huron-Kinloss Committee of the Whole hereby receives for information Report TR-2024-03-15 prepared by Jodi MacArthur, Treasurer;

    AND FURTHER direct staff to bring back a report prior to developing the 2025 budget to determine the future status of the water quality monitoring program.


Committee of the Whole clarified that an increase in revenue would offset the addition of the urban boundary expansion budget and the tax rate would stay the same.  

  • Resolution No.:03/04/2024COW - 09
    Moved by:Ed McGugan
    Seconded by:Jim Hanna

    THAT the Township of Huron-Kinloss Committee of the Whole receives for information Report TR-2024-03-16 prepared by Jodi MacArthur, Treasurer;

    AND FURTHER approves the revisions to the 2024 Draft Budget and directs Staff to provide notice of intention to adopt the 2024 budget;

    AND FURTHER THAT the appropriate By-laws be brought forward on March 18, 2024.


Committee inquired about the TSSA findings noted in the report.  Staff confirmed this was not related to a physical issue with the plant, but rather had to do with compliance for such items as correcting labeling.    

  • Resolution No.:03/04/2024COW - 10
    Moved by:Larry Allison
    Seconded by:Shari Flett

    That the Township of Huron-Kinloss Committee of the Whole hereby receives for information Report CS-2024-03-11 prepared by Matt McClinchey, Parks, and Facilities Supervisor.

  • Resolution No.:03/04/2024COW - 11
    Moved by:Scott Gibson
    Seconded by:Ed McGugan

    THAT the Township of Huron-Kinloss Committee of the Whole hereby receives for information Report CS-2024-03-12 prepared by Elyse Dewar, Administrative Assistant/Program Coordinator.


Staff provided information that a hybrid HVAC system is being investigated, but as no grant was approved, that natural gas installation would be the next step. 

  • Resolution No.:03/04/2024COW - 12
    Moved by:Jim Hanna
    Seconded by:Larry Allison

    THAT the Township of Huron-Kinloss Committee of the Whole hereby approves Report CS-2024-03-13 prepared by Mike Fair, Director of Community Services.

  • Resolution No.:03/04/2024COW - 13
    Moved by:Shari Flett
    Seconded by:Scott Gibson

    THAT the Township of Huron-Kinloss Committee of the Whole hereby receives Report CS-2024-03-14 prepared by Mike Fair, Director of Community Services.

  • Resolution No.:03/04/2024COW - 14
    Moved by:Ed McGugan
    Seconded by:Scott Gibson

    THAT the Township of Huron-Kinloss Committee of the Whole hereby receives for information, Report PW-2024-03-7 as prepared by John Yungblut, Director of Public Works.

  • Resolution No.:03/04/2024COW - 15
    Moved by:Larry Allison
    Seconded by:Shari Flett

    THAT the Township of Huron-Kinloss Committee of the Whole hereby receives Report PW2024-03-8 prepared by John Yungblut, Director of Public Works;

    AND FURTHER accept the quotation from Da-Lee Dust Control Ltd. in the amount of $0.34 per litre to supply, haul and apply dust suppressants on Township gravel roads in 2024;

    AND FURTHER that the appropriate By-law come forward.


Staff inquired about Spring Road tour dates.  Committee confirmed that they support a spring road tour.  The Clerk to pick a Friday afternoon (mid-april) and verify with Council through polling to schedule the special meeting.

  • Resolution No.:03/04/2024COW - 16
    Moved by:Scott Gibson
    Seconded by:Ed McGugan

    THAT the Township of Huron-Kinloss Committee of the Whole hereby receives for information, Report PW-2024-03-09, prepared by John Yungblut, Director of Public Works.


Committee indicated support for Bale Wrap collection.  Staff noted that volumes for the program have not been overcapacity as has been seen in other municipalities.  Staff do not anticipate that the program could be supported as a user funded system and are awaiting further communications from the provider of the collection service.  

  • Resolution No.:03/04/2024COW - 17
    Moved by:Shari Flett
    Seconded by:Jim Hanna

    THAT the Township of Huron-Kinloss Committee of the Whole hereby receives for information Report PW-2024-03-10, prepared by John Yungblut, Director of Public Works.


Committee inquired as to when this service had last been let out for tender. Staff did not have that information available, but speculated it might not have been tendered within the last 20 years. 

  • Resolution No.:03/04/2024COW - 18
    Moved by:Shari Flett
    Seconded by:Scott Gibson

    THAT the Township of Huron-Kinloss Committee of the Whole hereby receives for information, Report PW-2024-03-11, prepared by John Yungblut, Director of Public Works.

    AND FURTHER accepts the proposal from GM BluePlan Engineering Limited for the provision of engineering services for the Huron Landfill and Kinloss Landfill over a five-year term in the amount of $194,500 not including HST.

    AND FURTHER authorizes the appropriate By-law be brought forward.


Committee inquired as to whether this would support the electrification supply issues to Point Clark.  Staff confirmed it would not, that the Point Clark supply issue is a separate issue that Hydro One is dealing with. 

Committee discussed how the supply issue upgrade could be expedited with Hydro One.  The Committee requested a delegation from Hydro One for what expansion plans are in place for Hydro one and where the Township fit within those plans.  

  • Resolution No.:03/04/2024COW - 19
    Moved by:Ed McGugan
    Seconded by:Larry Allison

    THAT the Township of Huron-Kinloss Committee of the Whole hereby receives for information Report PW-2024-03-12, prepared by John Yungblut, Director of Public Works;

    AND authorizes entering into a hydro servicing agreement with Hydro One Networks Inc. for the expansion of hydro services on Lake Range Drive;

    AND FURTHER authorizes Staff to proceed with Option A as outlined;

    AND FURTHER authorizes recovering 25% of the total cost from the owner of PLAN M77 BLK A, BLK B SEC; M-77 PCL A-2, PCL B-5 RP;3R4736 PART 1 & 2;

    AND FURTHER authorizes recovering 25% of the total cost from the owner of PLAN M77 PT BLK B RP 3R4736; PART 4 UNREG;

    AND FURTHER authorizes entering into an easement agreement with Hydro One Networks Inc;

    AND FURTHER authorizes any appropriate by-laws be brought forward to the next Council meeting.


Committee inquired about Home based businesses in Point Clark and support from some members of Council was provided for fostering that type of business within that community. 

  • Resolution No.:03/04/2024COW - 20
    Moved by:Jim Hanna
    Seconded by:Larry Allison

    THAT the Township of Huron-Kinloss Committee of the Whole hereby receives for information Report BED-2024-03-6, prepared by Michelle Goetz, Manager of Strategic Initiatives;

    AND FURTHER authorizes staff to submit an application to the Ontario Trillium Foundation capital grant program for the Lucknow Community Centre Roof Replacement Project.

  • Resolution No.:03/04/2024COW - 21
    Moved by:Scott Gibson
    Seconded by:Ed McGugan

    THAT the Township of Huron-Kinloss Committee of the Whole hereby receives for information Report BED-2024-03-7 as prepared by Amy Irwin, Economic Development Officer.

  • Resolution No.:03/04/2024COW - 22
    Moved by:Shari Flett
    Seconded by:Jim Hanna

    THAT the Township of Huron-Kinloss Committee of the Whole hereby receives for information Report CAO-2024-03-11, prepared by Mike Bartlett, Administrative Coordinator.

  • Resolution No.:03/04/2024COW - 23
    Moved by:Larry Allison
    Seconded by:Shari Flett

    THAT the Township of Huron-Kinloss Committee of the Whole hereby approves Report CAO-2024-03-12 prepared by Mike Bartlett, Administrative Coordinator;

    AND FURTHER confirms the 2024 EIES program guidelines and the appointment of Christine Heinisch to the EIES committee.

  • Resolution No.:03/04/2024COW - 24
    Moved by:Ed McGugan
    Seconded by:Jim Hanna

    THAT the Township of Huron-Kinloss Committee of the Whole hereby receives for information Report CAO-2024-03-13 prepared by Mary Rose Walden, Chief Administrative Officer;

    AND FURTHER approves the updated Terms of Reference for the Nuclear Waste Management Organization Significant Neighbouring Community Working Group.

  • Resolution No.:03/04/2024COW - 25
    Moved by:Jim Hanna
    Seconded by:Larry Allison

    THAT the Township of Huron-Kinloss Committee of the Whole hereby receives for information Report CLK-2024-03-10 prepared by Kelly Lush, Deputy Clerk;

    AND grants an exemption to Noise By-Law No. 2005-101 to permit music at a wedding reception on June 15, 2024, until 1:00 a.m. on Sunday, June 16, 2024 at 684 Havelock Street in Lucknow;

    AND FURTHER grants an exemption to Noise By-law No. 2005-101 for the Dungannon Tractor Pull and Demolition Derby on the evening of June 14th, 2024 until June 15th at 1:00 a.m. and the evening of June 15th until June 16th at 1:00 a.m providing a special event permit is approved for the event.

  • Resolution No.:03/04/2024COW - 26
    Moved by:Shari Flett
    Seconded by:Scott Gibson

    THAT the Township of Huron-Kinloss Committee of the Whole hereby receives for information Report CLK-2024-03-11 prepared by Kelly Lush, Deputy Clerk;

    AND FURTHER THAT the Committee of the Whole support resolution #__________, __________, _________, _________, _________, _________ , __________ .

    AND FURTHER direct staff to distribute as they see fit.


The Committee provided the following items for consideration when requesting meetings with Ministers. 

  • kennel code of practice is too restrictive,
  • accessibility and seniors - money for rural downtown improvements – specifically things like sidewalks or other updates that make getting into businesses accessible,
  • lack of funds for infrastructure (bridges, etc).
  • Resolution No.:03/04/2024COW - 27
    Moved by:Carl Sloetjes
    Seconded by:Jim Hanna

    THAT the Township of Huron-Kinloss Committee of the Whole hereby receive Report CLK-2024-03-12 as prepared by Jennifer White, Manager of Legislative Services/Clerk.


Committee inquired about the timing of process.  Staff noted that with notice requirements, it is expected that the appropriate by-laws could be brought forward late in March or in early April. 

Staff confirmed that only 17 feet of the road allowance will be closed, declared surplus and conveyed, and that the remainder of the lands would continue in their current uses.  

  • Resolution No.:03/04/2024COW - 28
    Moved by:Jim Hanna
    Seconded by:Larry Allison

    THAT the Township of Huron-Kinloss Committee of the Whole hereby receive for information Report CLK-2024-03-13 as prepared by Jennifer White, Manager of Legislative Services/Clerk;

    AND FURTHER THAT the direction provided to Staff to proceed with the administrative steps to stop up and close the portion of the road allowance, declare the lands surplus to municipal needs, convey the lands and enter into necessary encroachment agreements as applicable be affirmed;

    AND FURTHER THAT the appropriate by-laws be brought forward.

  • Resolution No.:03/04/2024COW - 29
    Moved by:Shari Flett
    Seconded by:Scott Gibson

    THAT the Township of Huron-Kinloss Committee of the Whole hereby receive for information Report CLK-2024-03-14 as prepared by Jennifer White, Manager of Legislative Services/Clerk;

    AND FURTHER THAT the guidelines outlined in the report be used to facilitate the required Hearing and provided to the appellants in advance of the meeting.


Members of the Committee inquired about whether the AMO conference was still accepting registrations.  Staff will investigate.  Deputy Mayor Hanna, Councillor McGugan and Councillor Gibson will be contacted directly with this information. 

At Committee's inquiry Staff provided information on the current contract for water services, when it expires and whether there were plans to tender the contract at expiry.  

  • Resolution No.:03/04/2024COW - 30
    Moved by:Ed McGugan
    Seconded by:Scott Gibson

    THAT the Township of Huron-Kinloss Committee of the Whole hereby receives for information all items listed in Section 6.0.


Canadian Nuclear Association (CNA) Conference announced a $50,000,000 expansion at Bruce Power.  The Mayor reported that the County of Bruce is encouraging a relocate locally for the isotope processing facilities. Committee suggested adding cutting red tape for nuclear processing facilities to encourage relocation locally as a delegations to ministers.  

Committee members provided a verbal update of the CNA conference, and that there was a focus on collaboration opportunities. 

  • Resolution No.:03/04/2024COW - 31
    Moved by:Larry Allison
    Seconded by:Shari Flett

    THAT Council move into closed meeting at 8:45 p.m. for the purpose of:

    1)personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees (tax arrears complaint); 

    2) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees (Recruitment Fire Chief);

    3) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees (Recruitment Landfill Attendant) ;

    pursuant to Section 239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended;

    AND FURTHER THAT Council return to regular open meeting upon completion.


Committee of the Whole arose from closed meeting at 9:00 p.m. 

The Mayor reported that a closed meeting had been held and direction was provided to Staff on all matters. 

  • Resolution No.:03/04/2024COW - 32
    Moved by:Scott Gibson
    Seconded by:Ed McGugan

    THAT the Township of Huron-Kinloss Committee of the Whole hereby adjourn at 9:01 p.m. 

No Item Selected