Lisa Courtney with B.M. Ross and Associates provided an update to Committee of the Whole on the Township's drinking water and wastewater systems, including Whitechurch capacity and vacant lot inventory. These numbers were originally presented to Council with the Growth, Water and Wastewater Servicing Master Plan The presentation included updated customer counts for water and/or wastewater services, the number of in-fill lots and development commitments.
Courtney provided some key explanations for use when reviewing the information.
An ERU is equivalent to one unit of housing within the report, to make the data easier to review. Uncommitted numbers represent those available for future development which is not planned or known at this time. Firm capacity is calculated based on the biggest well being out of service within an area, and is mainly used for emergency planning purposes. The North and south pressure zones are split roughly at the 6th concession along the lakeshore. No firm capacity calculations were included for Whitechurch as there is only one well servicing that system.
Courtney verified that the need for increased wastewater capacity in Ripley and Lucknow will depend on the timing of proposed developments. The Township is pursuing an allocation policy as recommended in the Master Plan. The Allocation policy will allow the Township to reallocate capacity to ensure it is not held by developments that are not proceeding in a timely manner. This will allow the Township to better judge the need and timing for the eventual wastewater treatment capacity expansions in Ripley and Lucknow.
Lot inventories along the Lakeshore were updated to include changes required by the latest version of the Provincial Planning Statement, which is a consolidated statement of the provincial government's policies on land use planning.
Questions from Committee of the Whole
Members asked for Clarification on Firm Capacity. Courtney explained it is used as a Risk assessment tool, and provided information on the number of wells located in each area.
Members inquired about whether the Lakeshore Storage Capacity is an issue for fire protection. Courtney noted that fire demand in the area is offset by pumping capacity.
Members questioned the effective storage volume of the Point Clark standpipe, noted in the presentation as approximately 138 m3, significantly less than the recommended storage volume of 3,792 m3 for the existing customers.
Courtney clarified that there is difference in the calculations made between what can be stored, and what can be provided if there was no electrification possible (effective storage). Effective storage calculations include only what can be supplied by gravity feed, if there is no electrification at the site. Staff confirmed there are contingencies in place for backup power to be supplied if required.
Members suggested that the Township's emergency exercise could include a simulated fire situation along the lakeshore. Other members noted this had been done several years ago, during a simulated natural gas explosion exercise.
Committee inquired when the wastewater capacity would become an issue, with Courtney suggested that 85% of capacity is typically when it starts to become concerning and Councils should look at planning for more capacity.