Monica Morrison, presented an update on the Bruce County Official Plan. Updates were provided in the report included with the agenda.
Primarily Morrison discussed the impact on Settlement Area proposed changes for the Official Plan. Although residential areas in settlement areas were not identified as a required addition in Huron-Kinloss, commercial areas were identified as a need.
Due to recent changes in the Provincial Policy Statement, a boundary adjustment request is no longer required to only be done during a comprehensive review of the Official Plan. Morrison explained that this meant that requests can now be submitted as required when municipalities are best positioned to implement servicing and other requirements to support settlement expansion.
Morrision noted that the County had been advised that servicing issues and constraints around sewage need to be addressed prior to the previously proposed settlement area boundary adjustments to proceed. County staff will continue to work with municipal staff and developers to move these forward at the appropriate time.
An expansion to the lakeshore settlement area could be considered as a separate one off application when conditions were appropriate. The County reported that other local municipalities are also using a separate process to increase settlement boundary areas, outside of the official plan review.
Work continues on consultation with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding the proposed policies relating to smaller lots not being serviced by sanitary sewers.
Morrison verbally updated on changes which had occurred since the published agenda:
The County is expected to present the Draft Official plan and updates from County staff at the December 19 County Council meeting. County staff will bring feedback from public comments and present the the draft plan and an information update. A statutory public meeting would then need to be held. County staff do not expect to get direction on the public meeting until a future report following the December 19 meeting.
Morrison advised Committee of the Whole that consideration of the finalized Official Plan is expected to take place in March or April of 2025. Comments are still being received at this time, until the final draft report is received by County Council. Those desiring to submit comments should contact the County Planning Department directly.
Council commented that consideration should be given to increasing the settlement area in Ripley in order to apply for grants to increase the infrastructure. Staff met with the County to discuss the lakeshore settlement area changes, and Staff are supportive of delaying this decision at this time.
Morrison confirmed that site specific changes can be considered outside of the County official plan process.
Urban boundary expansion requests can be found on the county website.